Huckabee, Religion, Libertarianism, and Other Ramblings…

Despite my fierce opposition to the Huckabee campaign, there is still something refreshing about “religion” being brought back to politics. When he mentions that the real meaning of Christmas is Christ’s birth, I cannot but giggle religiously. But then I come back to my senses. Jimmy Carter ran in 1976 as a born-again Democrat and for the first time in decades made religion a central theme in a political campaign. Naive Christians flocked to his support only to find out they had been betrayed by his anti-Christian agenda. My fear, of course, is that it may be happening all over again. Every Republican candidate–with the exception of Mitt Romney (a Mormon) and Rudy Giuliani (a Catholic)- claims to be a born-again Christian. Some tout their Christianity like Huckabee, others are a bit more cautious (like Ron Paul). Let me be forthright: I am a theonomist in the tradition of Gary North and R.J. Rushdoony. I believe firmly in a free-market economy, but reject any notion that God is not part of the equation in the end of the day. I reject full Libertarianism, which favors euthanasia and abortion on demand. These political heretics have helpful commentary to offer, (even heretics make sense sometimes) but their worldview is warped with a fascination for human autonomy. Any form of libertarianism that denies the existence of God as the source of wealth, prosperity, and freedom is doomed to ultimate failure. This is a point Chirstian Libertarian Howard Phillips made decades ago and still makes to this day.

All this to say that religion, Christian religion, is accepted in the political arena–despite Chris Matthews’ future heart attack when talking about this issue–and should not be rejected by anyone. Political debates in 18th century America used the words “God” and “providence” so many times that should there have been an ACLU, their members would have worked 80 hours a week without vacation days. The Christian libertarian is frustrated, not so much because they despise religion in the public square, but because religion has been abused. Christians are so gullible for an evangelical figure-head in the White House that it appears they have forgotten their past betrayals. Have they forgotten Jimmy Carter? Have they forgotten Pat Robertson’s perfidy of Christians with his support of a thrice divorced Rudolph Giuliani or their full responsibility in re-electing George W. Bush in 2004 only to discover–surprise!–that he has abandoned any Constitutional or Biblical ideals? Evangelical Christians have a short memory. It is possible that they may elect another Bush-like to the White House. Then what? Will they cry again after taxing increases? After our military expands beyond the already 130 countries? After illegal immigration becomes the norm in this nation? After Pastor Huckabee imposes his health diet on all Americans? As Ron Paul once stated, “when you lose your liberty for the sake of security you end up losing both.”  At this point in American History, we still have not learned our lesson.

Reason 147 NOT to vote for Mike Huckabee: Presidential candidate to speak at John Hagee’s congregation

Presidential candidate Mike Huckabee is to speak at Pastor John Hagee’s Cornerstone Church in San Antonio. John Hagee has been a fanatic opponent of Catholicism and Islam. Hagee recently denied that Jesus came to be Messiah. After receiving numerous complaints, he attempted to re-interpret his own words. True or not, Hagee has been a liability in the evangelical world. While Huckabee has the right to speak wherever he pleases, his visit to John Hagee’s congregation demonstrates that there is much more in common between the two than anyone may imagine. It is more of an alliance than a mere speaking engagement. If anyone believes that Bush’s foreign policy is malicious and dangerous, wait until a Huckabee administration takes over with Hagee’s voice in the background. God forbid!

Ann Coulter Slams Huckabee’s Liberalism…

Politicians who run in Jesus’ name run this one risk: compromising Jesus’ name. Politicians like Huckabee entered the race as a Baptist minister and now expects to minimize the importance of his theology when he is pushed to the corner. It is easy to deny evolution when you are second-tier candidate, but why can you not deny it now as a serious contender for the nomination, what has changed? Coulter well describes the compromising instances of Mike Huckabee.

If the mainstream media are burning with curiosity about what critics of Darwinism have to say, how about asking me? I can name any number of mathematicians, scientists and authors who have also rejected Darwin’s discredited theory and would be happy to rap with them about it.

Huckabee and thoughts on Christianity and Politics…

Mike Huckabee’s new ad featuring what appears to be a cross on the background (though it is not a cross, it is intended to look like one) speaks to the core of the American Republic. He has the right under “free speech” to present his campaign platform in whatever way he desires. Is Huckabee justified in proclaiming his Christianity in the political arena? Absolutely. It is his faith. A man’s faith must never be divorced from his convictions about life. Huckabee has claimed before that his faith will inform his decisions. It should be no other way. In this sense, I truly endorse Governor Huckabee. However, it is the application of this faith that betrays the very faith he proclaims. According to Huckabee, his faith will lead him to expand the military and pursue more wars around the world for some unknown agenda. According to Huckabee’ s Christianity, government will play a more significant role in the education of all children. Further, his Christianity leads him to step on the nation’s confession: The Constitution, which limits the government (Article I section 8). His tax increases, his support for illegal immigration (scholarships and welfarism) leads to no other alternative, but that Huckabee is using his faith for an ungodly reason. His appeal to social conservatives stem from his supposed religious superiority. The uniqueness of American politics is that even liberals who could care less about Christ and his Lordship can claim Christianity as their own. Liberals use Christianity to advocate welfarism, government intervention, and socialism. Republicans, on the other hand, are no less guilty. They use their faith to espouse militarism overseas. They pride in their defense of Israel, as if it is a God-given mandate to defend those who deny Messiah. They ridicule Islam’s apocalypticism, while advocating their own version with spokesman John Hagee. They will use their faith to say that the Republican Party is the party of God, therefore we are to compromise our values and support a pro-choice candidate if necessary. Republicans and Democrats are to be less Christianesque about their politicking. It is perfectly legitimate to pray as a politician, partake of Christ’s body in the Sacraments, worship with God’s people, and when asked about faith, give a legitimate and uncompromising answer, but please do not bring Christ into politics for political points. God is not mocked.

Quote, On the Future of the United States

The future grows dark for the United States. We have a bad administration that is corrupt, secretive, incompetent and disdainful of liberty. We have a press that for the most part cannot distinguish news from celebrity gossip. We have an education system that is manufacturing functional illiterates. We have a public that seemingly believes the only things worthwhile in life are entertainment and consumption. —Charley Reese

Hannity embraces flip-flop philosophy…

My friend opines rightly about Sean Hannity’s delirious support for the Republican Neo-Cons, no matter if the tables are turned. Steve Wolters writes:

I found it interesting that Mr. Hannity was attempting to legitimize the practice of flip-flopping in the political arena. Of course, this is due to the fact that the majority of the Republican candidates, with one or two exceptions, has been changing positions and talking out of every side of their mouth. And his only apologetic for these men running for president in 2008 was that at least they haven’t flipped and flopped as much as Hillary Clinton.

Is that the measuring stick that we are going to have to use in the upcoming election? Are these really people we want leading our nation? Do we want people who only have a position for political gain, and then will flippantly change with the crowd? Don’t we want someone who is strong on principle, standing strong on the values of the founding of this nation? When did this behavior suddenly become legitimate? I am truly grieved.

Once again, integrity out, political expediency in.

Limbaugh, McCain, and Thompson speak out against Fox News and pro-Giuliani Sean Hannity

By now it is obvious that Fox News has completely abandoned any dimension of neutrality concerning the Republican candidates. Last week, Rush Limbaugh answered a question concerning who he would endorse in the Republican Party by stating that it is not his role to endorse any one before the general elections. Unlike, others in the Northeast, who have a “geographical bias,”Limbaugh argued, (referring to Sean Hannity and Fox News) he does not think it wise to use his powers to campaign for any particular candidate. It is their role to make a name for themselves, said the EIB network talk-show star.

Some months ago after a Republican debate, Senator John McCain subtly confronted Sean Hannity in his conspicuous defense of Rudy Giuliani. Hannity replied unconvincingly that he does not support any particular candidate…I imagine Alan Colmes simply smiled.

In a Fox News interview on Sunday morning, Thompson scolded Christ Wallace and Fox News for their continual attack on his campaign:

In an interview on “Fox News Sunday,” host Chris Wallace pressed Thompson on how some conservatives have lambasted Thompson’s campaign and showed clips of Fox conservative commentators Charles Krauthammer and Fred Barnes criticizing the former senator.

Thompson said, “This has been a constant mantra of Fox, to tell you the truth.” He noted that other conservatives have praised his bid for the GOP nomination and took issue with a Fox promo that focused on polling in New Hampshire, where Thompson is registering in the single digits.

Fox News has continually made clear their commitment to the establishment candidate: Rudolph Giuliani. He has been their candidate from the start. He is New York’s former mayor and Fox’s poster boy. Hannity cannot wait to see his career catapult into glorious cocktail parties at the White House.

Apologus Interviews Pastor Paul Michael Raymond, Part 2

Continuing interview…


Your definitions seem quite clear in light of the current political dilemma of the Christian community. Particularly, the Christian conservative movement seems to undermine the Biblical message of Christ’s Lordship by denying the authoritative Word to determine how we are to operate as Christians. In your opinion, what have been some practical failures of our modern church and the conservative movement in the last 20 years?

Pastor Paul Michael Raymond:

The way I see it Uri is that the Modern and Postmodern church of our day have a number of distinct problems.

Firstly, they have failed to understand what Christianity is, and to what vocation they are called to. Christianity is not “adding” Christ to secularism nor is it simply adding Him to an individual’s personal self fulfilling agenda. Christianity is an abandonment of self for the express purpose of advancing the Kingdom of God on earth. As Dr. greg Bahnsen rightly stated, “Christianity is not Christ against culture or is it the Christ of Culture, but rather Christ above Culture.” In other words, Biblical Christianity seeks to Transform Culture by the Preaching of the Gospel, the education of the people and the implementation of Biblical Law, Principles and Public policy. Too many professing Christians believe in a dualism Christianity where they refuse to engage the world since it is so evil. This elitist view is typical of Phariseeism and has no place in the realm of True Regeneration. To be sure Christianity is not to be OF the world. Nevertheless, the Christians ought to be doing battle IN the world and not retreating out of the world. Christ has made that abundantly clear. in John 17. To retreat from the battle the saints face daily in the world is to fall snare to a Manicheanism dualistic heresy.

The vocation of every regenerate is to do the will of Him who sent him in the realm of society. Not just on an individual plane but on a social plane as well, which includes politics, economics, science, philosophy, ecology, law, education et al. He is to take dominion authority by engaging and overcoming the secularism through Biblical arguments casting down every lofty argument and secular philosophy that exalts itself against the knowledge of Biblical Truth. Thus, we are to take every thought captive to the Word of God obeying His precepts and going out into the world declaring the Sovereign Universal Authority of Christ in every realm. Continue reading “Apologus Interviews Pastor Paul Michael Raymond, Part 2”

Pat Robertson endorses Rudy Giuliani…

If the fate of the nation were left to the neo-conservatives, we would be economically and socially doomed. The neo-cons will fight wars everywhere. They could care less about our current economic status, our national defense, or the lives of the ones who cannot protect themselves in the womb. They will assert that these are their concerns, but in the end, they crave for war. Some, like Pat Robertson, will pray that we assassinate Hugo Chavez, while winning the war on terror. This is the neo-conservative agenda of the Kristol’s and the modern day republican: spread democracy by terrorizing as many as possible. In fact the same Pat Robertson, the leader of the right wing, has just endorsed one of the most despicable politicians in American history in the last fifty years–and we have had many. Giuliani’s foreign policy can be easily summed-up as committing the US to future wars in the Middle East and north Africa.

Robertson defends his endorsement of Rudolph Giuliani:7_63_110707_giuliani_robertson.jpg

…Giuliani is the best candidate to handle the War on Terror… Giuliani understands the need for a conservative judiciary, and that he is a “true fiscal conservative” who is tough on crime.

The infamous war on terror; that which no one can properly define without sounding like a militaristic imperialist. I am still curious as to why he is the best candidate to handle this war. ‘Tis true that he had the fortune of being the mayor when those 19 thugs invaded our privacy and destroyed our lives; but is that all it takes? Wouldn’t Robertson be more comfortable endorsing someone who actually felt the pain of war–like McCain?

In the end, pragmatism wins the day. For Robertson (Dobson is a fortunate exception this time) “conservative” means hating Muslims more than your neighbor and “true fiscal conservatism” means killing Muslims for the sake of democracy, regardless if it affects our own economy at home.

Our nation is doomed at the hands of pseudo-prophets who will abandon principle for the sake of expediency.