Donkeys and Serpents

In a perfect world God does not use animals to teach man. The serpent was a false teacher. In an imperfect world God uses a donkey to rebuke man when man acts like a donkey.

Why Study the Scriptures?

If God has revealed truth about himself, about us, and about the relationship between himself and us in Holy Scriptures, then we should study Holy Scriptures. It is as simple as that…Not to be interested in the study of Holy Scripture, if one living and true God has revealed himself therein, is the height of spiritual folly. a

  1. Robert Raymond, xxxi  (back)

He Breathed on them

Calvin writes about our Lord’s commissioning of his disciples in John 20:

“And, indeed, to govern the Church of God, to carry the embassy of eternal salvation, to erect the kingdom of God on earth, and to raise men to heaven, is a task far beyond human capacity…no one is qualified unless he is inspired by the Holy Spirit… to perform such an office.”[1]

[1] John Calvin, Commentary on the Gospel of St. John, 20:22.

The Passion Week

“Jesus proceeded toward his holy passion to consummate the mystery of our salvation. The Word had come down from heaven to raise us from the depths of sin. He marched to this destiny without flags and banners, without knives and swords…without the symbols of power people like to use to put others in awe and submission. Meekly, humbly, simply he rode an awkward animal to the site of his blessed passion.”[1]

[1] Alfred McBride, The Divine Presence of Jesus: Meditation and Commentary on the Gospel of John, 112