Rule #10: If outrageous sins do not break and humble you, you are finding refuge in the father of lies.
Rule #9: Power grants you the privilege to serve, not to overpower, abuse or overlook the weak.
Rule #8: Remember that character is revealed in the dark. Your mic is always on.
Rule #7: Remember that repentance bears fruit. If it bears no fruit it’s not repentance.
Rule #6: When confessing public sins, begin with those most deeply affected:Offended/Wife/Children/Close Friends/Church/World.
Rule #5: Certain acts cannot be undone with an apology. You need to stress to the one(s) offended that you will work to gain his trust.
Rule #4: Acknowledge that the hurt you have caused others does not immediately go away after confession. Expect initial skepticism.
Rule #3: If it’s a sin from the past, affirm the hurt you have caused and do not minimize it because of its distance from the presence.
Rule #2: When your sin finds you out, admit it, confess it, and direct it to those particularly offended. No generalities.
Repentance Rule One: Never say, “I apologize if I offended anyone.”
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