We are having our 26th Psalm-Roar at Providence celebrating the end of Easter tide on June 3rd. If you live near Escambia County, we welcome you to join us.
Below are all the psalms we will be singing with the audio and music attached. In some cases, there is a youtube version of each hymn and in others, the audio link is attached.
The first five psalms are contemporary tunes from Nathan Clark and Greg Wilbur. The latter six are classic tunes from The Book of Psalms for Singing.
26th Psalm-Roar of Providence Church, Easter-tide 2022
Psalm 4, Answer Father, When I Call
Psalm 6, Gently, Gently, Lay Your Rod
Psalm 14, The God Who Sits Enthroned On High (AUDIO LINK)
Psalm 32, Blest is the Man
Psalm 68, Let God Arise in All His Might
Psalm 23, The Lord Is My Shepherd (Crimond)
Psalm 40:1-12, I Waited for the LORD (Audio Link)
Psalm 98, O Sing a New Song to the Lord
Psalm 128, Blessed the Man That Fears Jehovah (Audio Link)
Psalm 148, From Heav’n O Praise the Lord
“John Calvin called the Book of Psalms ‘an anatomy of all parts of the soul.’ All the range of emotions are expressed; the Psalms weave an emotional fabric for the human soul. These inspired lyrics take us by the hand and train us in proper emotion. They lead us to emotional maturity.” – Kevin Swanson
“…we at the same time infer, that the custom of singing was, even at that time, in use among believers, as appears, also, from Pliny, who, writing at least forty years, or thereabouts, after the death of Paul, mentions, that the Christians were accustomed to sing Psalms to Christ before day-break. I have also no doubt, that, from the very first, they followed the custom of the Jewish Church in singing Psalms.” – John Calvin
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