I had a long day. This morning I travelled about an hour to Niceville/Valparaiso area to meet Rev. Mickey Schnider who is the pastor of Trinity Presbyterian. Mickey has become a dear brother who has fought the good fight and continues to fight faithfully for the cause of the kingdom. He has graciously mentored me in these first few months here in Pensacola. I have much to learn from Mickey. Mickey used to be Dr. Greg Bahnsen’s pastor in the 70’s. When I consider the qualifications of an elder in I Timothy 3 and Titus 1, Mickey is the first person that comes to mind.
We attended the Twin Cities Ministerial Association. This association is composed of evangelical pastors from different denominations. They are all pursuing to fulfill the Biblical mandate in their own areas of ministry. It has been a long time since I attended such an ecumenical gathering. God has truly honored this association. I hope to be a part of it in years to come.
After a delightful tour of Valparaiso and Niceville, we spent most of the afternoon discussing pastoral matters.
We had a pastoral visitation in the evening. It was a long, but delightful day learning and ministering.
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