This Supper is a Trinitarian event. Here at this table, the Father who is kind to His children offers us the living Bread of His Son, which He does through the baptism of His Spirit. Jesus has ascended into heaven and is no longer with us in the flesh. But He is with us, both here at this table, and elsewhere, through the power of the Spirit, as the Lord who is Spirit.[1] The Lord’s Table is a Pentecostal meal.
In Acts 2, the outworking of this Spirit-presence is the breaking of the bread among brothers and sisters. Food brings people together and it is purposefully given to us to bind our hearts and minds in the bond of peace. This feast is a unifying feast; an invitation to taste of the mercies of Christ by the power of the Spirit. Today, all of you baptized in the Name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are called to this table. The Spirit of God says, “Come.”
[1] Leithart
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