I am one of those old fashioned evangelicals who believes God judges nations because of their iniquities (Amos 3:2). I also believe America is ripe for disaster. Why will we be punished? Because we have no sense of God’s judgment. Sure, we believe Nazi Germany and the Soviet Empire were judged because of their evil deeds, but to consider America under judgment of any sort is preposterous. This America-can-do-no-evil mentality is sickening! It is precisely the reason so many turn away from evangelicalism. American idolatry equals America-can-do-no-wrong! Whether in this administration or in the last, we need to point out the constant possibility of judgment; God is no respecter of persons, nor–might I add–parties.
“American idolatry equals America-can-do-no-wrong!” — I can say amen to that.