Trinity Talk Interview with Andrew Sandlin on the Life and Theology of Norman Shepherd


icon for podpress  Norman Shepherd: The Man and His Theology

Andrew Sandlin is the president for the Center of Cultural Leadership and editor of Obedient Faith: A Festschrift for Norman Shepherd (Mount Hermon, California: Kerygma Press, 2012).

You can find more information about the book here.

Two Introductory Lessons on the Heidelberg Catechism (Audio)

Having adopted the Heidelberg Catechism as a Church this past year, I have been offering a couple of basic introductory lessons on the Heidelberg. If you are interested, here are the first two lessons at Providence Church.

Introduction to the Heidelberg Catechism –The Inescapable Task of Being a Theologian

Introduction to the Heidelberg Catechism –The Pastoral Nature and a Brief History of how the Catechism came to be Written

Note: Unfortunately the recording does not capture questions and comments from the audience.

Trinity Talk Episode: Steve Jeffery on Penal Substitution

icon for podpress  In Defense of Penal Substitution with Steve Jeffery [28:45m]: Play Now | Download

We are glad to announce that Trinity Talk is back with new weekly episodes. In this interview, Jarrod and I spoke to Pastor Steve Jeffery of Emmanuel Evangelical Church in London. He is one of the authors of Pierced for Our Transgressions: Rediscovering the Glory of Penal Substitution.