Mission Accomplished? Some Dangers in Past-Participle Thinking by Theodore Plantinga
What disturbs me the most is not the irony in the name of the newdenomination but the implicit one-upmanship in the names of so many smalldenominations. For example, when a congregation or denomination officiallycalls itself “orthodox,” it is implying that some other church is no longer all that orthodox, or has become liberal. The implied charge may well be true, but ithardly seems a gracious act to include the accusation in one’s name. Christiancollege A may consider itself to be more orthodox and more faithful to revealedtruth than Christian college B, but it does not send out hints in that direction inthe name it adopts for itself.
The Real Adam Issue That Gets Ignored by Tim Gallant
The Westminster California types who see themselves as defenders of Reformed orthodoxy are adamant in making the view that the Mosaic law is “a republication of the covenant of works” a sine qua non of orthodoxy on justification.