Ron Paul, Flat Tax and UFO’s…

It was a pleasant evening. The Democratic Debate turned out to be more entertaining than I expected. Hillary became the punching bag of the men on the stage, and overall, she handled herself well. Even the fourth-tier democrats (Chris Dodd has 0% on the most recent national poll) took a hit at Hillary. In turn, she was able to carefully articulate her positions and shield herself of the onslaught from Obama and Edwards.

Obama was unimpressive; Edwards was a bit more forceful, though in the end it was Kucinich and Biden who had the best lines. Biden argued humorously that only three words came from Giuliani’s mouth: a noun, a verb, and 9-11. Kucinich, on the other hand, fell into Russert’s trap. When asked about his account of seeing a UFO he admitted that he had seen one to the joy of the 14% of Americans who claim they have also seen an Unidentified Flying Object. He rightly pointed out that there are more people who have seen a UFO than that the support the Bush administration. At least, someone had to replace the absent Mike Gravel.

Finally, the long expected Ron Paul interview with Jay Leno. Paul was superb. His humor was charming and fresh. His genuineness was appealing even to Leno. My favorite line was when Leno asked Paul what kind of replacement to the income tax he envisioned. Paul’s answer was classic: ” I lean toward a flat tax, but I wanna make it real flat like zero.”

It is the simplicity and honesty of Dr. Paul that will continue to inflame this revolution. Watch and see!

Ron Paul on Abortion…(1)

Abortion on demand is the ultimate State tyranny; the State simply declares that certain classes of human beings are not persons, and therefore not entitled to the protection of the law. The State protects the “right” of some people to kill others, just as the courts protected the “property rights” of slave masters in their slaves. Moreover, by this method the State achieves a goal common to all totalitarian regimes: it sets us against each other, so that our energies are spent in the struggle between State-created classes, rather than in freeing all individuals from the State. Unlike Nazi Germany, which forcibly sent millions to the gas chambers (as well as forcing abortion and sterilization upon many more), the new regime has enlisted the assistance of millions of people to act as its agents in carrying out a program of mass murder.–Ron Paul

and the revolution continues…

St. Anselm College’s Institute of Politics will release a new poll today, completed by SRBI Research in New York City, showing that Clinton and Romney hold solid leads in New Hampshire.

The survey of 1,514 likely primary voters has margins of error of 4.1 percent for Democrats, 4.5 percent for Republicans and 4.8 percent for undecided voters. It was conducted Oct. 15 to 21.

It shows Democrat Clinton leading Obama 42.6 to 21.5 percent, with John Edwards at 13.9 percent. Among Republicans, Romney leads Giuliani 32.4 to 21.8 percent, with John McCain at 15.2 percent and Ron Paul in fourth place at 7.4 percent.

Analysis of Republican Candidates on the Debate and Ron Paul’s Fund-Raising explosion…

Last night’s Republican debate on PBS was short and to the point. a Fortunately, the top-four candidates decided not to show, which I predict may affect them negatively in the long-run. The debate dealt with economic issues, issues of race, health care, the death penalty and some other topics. The six candidates were given one minute to respond each question.

Former Ambassador Alan Keyes was energetic and filled with theological vigor. He continues to shake his head and extend his arms in his remarks like an old Southern preacher. Though he is generally correct on most issues, his entrance into the race was merely to put him back on national television. Alan Keyes is also a supporter of the war in Iraq; he offers nothing new, except a dynamic personality, which may add some interesting moments in future debates, should he be invited.

Congressman Duncan Hunter is probably the most unnecessary voice in the debate. He adds nothing of any value to the debate. I hope that in the end of this quarter (30th of September) Hunter would quietly step out of the race.

Congressman Tom Tancredo continues to be an insignificant voice in the debate. His central issue has always been Illegal Immigration. He stresses that forcefully and to some extent I find it helpful, in light of the ambiguity of most candidates. Nevertheless, he is a poor communicator and lacks a more comprehensive approach to this campaign. One-issue candidates are only here for the show and more recognition.

Senator Sam Brownback continued to echo his desire to restore the family. He adds little insight into the debates. I also hope he drops out after the end of this quarter. He contradicted Ron Paul’s continued assertion that the US did not declare war. Brownback is disqualified for not understanding Congress’ responsibility in declaring war.

Governor Mike Huckabee is always at his best when he communicates. Unlike most of the candidates, he has experience that most resembles the president’s. On the question of the death penalty he gave a moving testimony about how difficult it is to sign a document that gives the right to execute. I have plenty of disagreements with the governor, but I think he is saner than most of the candidates. On a negative note, Huckabee is more statist than the other candidates. He has supported tax-funding for various unconstitutional programs.

Finally, the honorable Ron Paul, who will shock the media on the 30th with his remarkable fund-raising ability. On the Paul website there is a ticker with the amount of money they have raised this week. It has surpassed their expectations. Over 500 thousand has been raised in less than one week. They are now shooting for 1 million before the 30th.

Paul’s performance was solid and filled with conviction. He is versed in economics, Constitutional law, and various other issues. On an interesting note, Paul objects to the Federal death penalty. According to Paul, the Federal Government is biased towards the rich and the poor always gets the maximum penalty. I concur with Paul, though we are to fight for a righteous society where this form of injustice does not occur.

  1. Watch the debate here.  (back)

The Judge interviews Ron Paul

Judge Andrew Napolitano calls Ron Paul the “most intellectually honest candidate in the race for the Republican ticket.”

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