In Defense of Ron Paul…

Here’s a good piece by Richard McVay in the Athens Banner-Herald. McVay castigates Fox News for their unprofessional treatment of Ron Paul in the New Hampshire debate. (Thanks to Tex MacRae for the link)

So, obviously, the gatekeepers at Fox News are threatened by Ron Paul. There are two reasons: The most obvious – Paul is a principled man with emphatic, growing support who threatens to upset the status quo among neoconservatives. He wants to get the GOP back to its roots, and neocon media-mongers and their supporters stand to lose a lot of money if a minimalist government is installed. Fewer federal agencies means fewer government contracts.Secondly, if Ron Paul continues his snowballing success, Fox News can’t take credit for it. Paul’s support is grassroots, making efficient use of the Internet. A successful run by Paul would all but eliminate the conglomerate media’s stranglehold in directing national politics, as free speech requiring neither a license from the FCC nor millions of dollars in advertising allows a wider variety of viewpoints to be absorbed by the masses.

Paul’s candidacy will be captivating to watch, if only for its emerging use of the Web to mobilize voters, notably the younger generation traditionally seen as politically apathetic. It’s a notable shift in American political history.

In Defense of Ron Paul

Here’s a good piece by Richard McVay in the Athens Banner-Herald. McVay castigates Fox News for their unprofessional treatment of Ron Paul in the New Hampshire debate.1

So, obviously, the gatekeepers at Fox News are threatened by Ron Paul. There are two reasons: The most obvious – Paul is a principled man with emphatic, growing support who threatens to upset the status quo among neoconservatives. He wants to get the GOP back to its roots, and neocon media-mongers and their supporters stand to lose a lot of money if a minimalist government is installed. Fewer federal agencies means fewer government contracts.Secondly, if Ron Paul continues his snowballing success, Fox News can’t take credit for it. Paul’s support is grassroots, making efficient use of the Internet. A successful run by Paul would all but eliminate the conglomerate media’s stranglehold in directing national politics, as free speech requiring neither a license from the FCC nor millions of dollars in advertising allows a wider variety of viewpoints to be absorbed by the masses.

Paul’s candidacy will be captivating to watch, if only for its emerging use of the Web to mobilize voters, notably the younger generation traditionally seen as politically apathetic. It’s a notable shift in American political history.


Thanks to Tex MacRae for the link.

links for 2007-09-01

Polling Report

In a surprising (only for the media) new updated polling from Fox News, (this poll is based only on registered voters, so there is no possibility of scam) Congressman Ron Paul is up to 3% tied with Mike Huckabee. He is in 6th place assuming Newt Gingrich and Fred Thompson enter the race. As for Sam Brownback, his poor performance at the Ames Straw poll ( in light of the enormous amount of effort and money he spent) continues to have negative results. He is tied with Tom Tancredo with 1%. Sam, I think it’s time.

Quotes from Ron Paul’s: Freedom Under Siege, part 2

From Paul’s introduction to Freedom Under Siege: The U.S. Constitution After 200 Years:

America is no longer a bastion of freedom, prevailing ideology, grounded in economic ignorance and careless disregard for individual liberty, is nurtured by a multitude of self-serving, power-seeking politicians spouting platitudes of compassion for the poor who are created by their own philosophy. Reelection is paramount in the minds of most of those who represent us, while freedom and constitutional restraint of power are considered old-fashioned and unwise (pg.1). Continue reading “Quotes from Ron Paul’s: Freedom Under Siege, part 2”

Quotes from Freedom Under Siege, Part 1

Ron Paul’s Freedom Under Siege: The U.S. Constitution after 200 years was written in the late eighties. Lew Rockwell’s introduction speaks better than anything else concerning Ron Paul’s character in the early days of his political career. Here are some great quotes from the foreword to the book by Rockwell:

And in the often corrupt and always superficial city of Washington, D.C., he was a beacon of honesty and decency.

His only concerns were freedom, peace, the Constitution, and honest money, and these same ideals animate his latest book.

The backslapping,vote-trading politicians and lobbyists felt uncomfortable around Ron Paul, almost as though their shirt collars were too tight.

He educated millions, spreading the ideas of Ludwig von Mises and Murray N. Rothbard on runaway government, sound money, and the free market. Continue reading “Quotes from Freedom Under Siege, Part 1”

Ron Paul’s future…

A fifth place on the Iowa straw poll is indeed incredible. I must confess, however, as an eternal optimist, that a third place would have been even better. Nevertheless, when you spend so little in a straw poll and when your opponents invest everything but their very lives, I think you can see why the excitement of Ron Paul supporters continue to grow. Perhaps Andrew Main summarizes it best:

I think Ron Paul’s placement in this poll was just about perfect: strong enough to solidly refute the ‘pundits’ — intellectual followers (not to mention shills) who like to pretend they are leaders — and provide just enough encouragement to the troops to keep everyone working hard, while still making clear just how far there is still to go. It is, after all, still a year (?) till the nominating convention, 15 months (!) to the actual election. (I shudder to think how much damage Dubya & friends can still do — but even that might not be bad for the rEVOLution.) Too much early success is not healthy, as many past ’sure thing’ candidates can attest.

A fifth position solidifies that the Paul campaign is no longer an internet scam on TV polls. This is a crucial victory early on in the campaign. The truth is that if this campaign will thrive in the next few months, Ron Paul supporters will have to multiply. This is already happening in meet-up groups across the country and even on a financial level. Recently, Ron Paul stated that his campaign had raised over $75,000 in 24 hours. As the media has become very much aware, Ron Paul’s campaign used the least amount of money in the poll and bore the greatest fruit. Whereas the Romney campaign used the greatest amount of money and bore the least fruit. So far it has been noted that he paid over $500 for each vote, whereas the second place Huckabee, spent under $100. Ron Paul’s numbers should be out soon, but we may just assume that he spent under $60 for each vote.  The straw poll in Ames, Iowa is truly not to be taken as the definitive poll on anything this early on the election, rather it serves to point out the ability a candidate has to organize his volunteers and indeed Ron Paul supporters and volunteers once again shattered any misconception that we are merely internet-based.

Another positive element of this straw poll is that it eliminates competition. Out of the 11 candidates, some were counting significantly on their standing in this poll. Tommy Thompson who traveled over 99 counties in Iowa seeking to make a powerful impression, ended behind Ron Paul in sixth place and was left with no other alternative but to step down.  With Thompson out of the race, Paul will have more time to make his positions clear in debates. It truly is a process of elimination. Duncan Hunter is also expected to drop out of the race in the days ahead. Truly, the absurdity of it all is that Ron Paul is the only candidate to reflect the Old Right promoting a foreign policy of non-intervention and a return to Constitutional principles, whereas all other candidates are in general agreement with each other. Hence, the fight becomes one of name recognition and experience. Ron Paul’s future is bright and the cause of freedom and peace is the cause of the future. Let the base die and the Revolution continue.