The problem with sexual sin is that it changes your desires for the kingdom. Sexual sins change your appetite. Instead of desiring the good, true, and beautiful, it entangles you in a web of idolatry. Our real need as members of Christ’s body is a restoration of a proper view of the body. Sexuality is a gift given to us in trust because our bodies are given to us in trust. Our bodies are temples of the Spirit and they are the most sacred gift God has given us. Unlike the Gnostics, our bodies are not going to be disposed of in the afterlife. Our bodies are not just shells housing our souls, no, our bodies are the instruments of heaven.
Kirk Cameron, Tolerance, and the Homosexual Agenda
John Stonestreet on The Point offers a brief analysis on Cameron’s interaction with Piers Morgan. He concludes:
But the real victims of this intolerance are those who struggle with same sex attraction. They only hear that their identity is determined by their sexual behavior, and that they are trapped in a lifestyle many want to escape. They need to know that there is hope for finding true identity in Jesus Christ.
The homosexual issue is an issue that will not go away in the years to come. In fact, the more radical the pro-homosexual agenda becomes the more anti-Christian will be their sentiments. Christian pastors and parishioners needs to opine in their respective spheres of influence–with both kindness and sincerity–about the devastating effects of the homosexual lifestyle.