From Archives: The Just War Theory and the War in Iraq

Editor’s Note: My most viewed post since the start of this blog was the article I wrote in the end of 2004 entitled: The Just War and the War in Iraq. Since I wrote that article, my stats confirm that at least one person a week has read that article since 2004. I have since re-visited that post and made some adjustments to the text by adding some helpful links and making it more readable, though the content remains virtually the same. The article compares the arguments for and against the war in Iraq. It was a fair assessment at the time, though in the last three years the abundant evidence has proven the immense fallacy of the Iraq War.

What happened to the Christians in Iraq?

Neo-cons like to play “gotcha” when they ask the question to liberals or classic liberals–paleo-cons like myself–Do you think we are better off with Saddam dead? Neo-Conservatives then gleam with excitement, because if those who oppose the war say “no,” then the O’Reilly’s of the media will harp at the many lives that died under Saddam before the US occupation. If they respond with “yes,” then the animated neo-cons will have achieved they desired aim: to continue the occupation indefinitely.

After six years of this undeclared war, Christians need to turn that question around. What happened to the Christians in Iraq after the US invasion? What happened to the proclamation of the gospel in Iraq after the invasion? Why have Christians in Iraq been systematically killed after the US aggression? And finally, what happened to the 2,000 year tradition of Christians in the Middle East? Christians who support this war need to take another look at the outcome of the war. They need to stop looking at the interest of their humanistic party and start looking at the interest of the gospel. CBS News reports:

But now, after nearly 2,000 years, Iraqi Christians are being hunted, murdered and forced to flee — persecuted on a biblical scale in Iraq’s religious civil war.

The 60 Minutes report on Christians in Iraq will lead us to take another look at the devastation and perpetual damage US interventionism has caused for the gospel of our Lord.

Pat Robertson endorses Rudy Giuliani…

If the fate of the nation were left to the neo-conservatives, we would be economically and socially doomed. The neo-cons will fight wars everywhere. They could care less about our current economic status, our national defense, or the lives of the ones who cannot protect themselves in the womb. They will assert that these are their concerns, but in the end, they crave for war. Some, like Pat Robertson, will pray that we assassinate Hugo Chavez, while winning the war on terror. This is the neo-conservative agenda of the Kristol’s and the modern day republican: spread democracy by terrorizing as many as possible. In fact the same Pat Robertson, the leader of the right wing, has just endorsed one of the most despicable politicians in American history in the last fifty years–and we have had many. Giuliani’s foreign policy can be easily summed-up as committing the US to future wars in the Middle East and north Africa.

Robertson defends his endorsement of Rudolph Giuliani:7_63_110707_giuliani_robertson.jpg

…Giuliani is the best candidate to handle the War on Terror… Giuliani understands the need for a conservative judiciary, and that he is a “true fiscal conservative” who is tough on crime.

The infamous war on terror; that which no one can properly define without sounding like a militaristic imperialist. I am still curious as to why he is the best candidate to handle this war. ‘Tis true that he had the fortune of being the mayor when those 19 thugs invaded our privacy and destroyed our lives; but is that all it takes? Wouldn’t Robertson be more comfortable endorsing someone who actually felt the pain of war–like McCain?

In the end, pragmatism wins the day. For Robertson (Dobson is a fortunate exception this time) “conservative” means hating Muslims more than your neighbor and “true fiscal conservatism” means killing Muslims for the sake of democracy, regardless if it affects our own economy at home.

Our nation is doomed at the hands of pseudo-prophets who will abandon principle for the sake of expediency.