In C.S. Lewis’ The Magician’s Nephew there is a revealing scene when Uncle Andrew like everyone else heard Aslan sing, but unlike most of the others he disliked the song of Aslan, the great lion king of Narnia. Lewis writes that the “longer and more beautiful the Lion sang, the harder Uncle Andrew tried to make himself believe that he could hear nothing but roaring.”[1] Thi is very much like the character of the Philistines. They knew the danger of avoiding Samson’s offer, but yet they continued to follow their own path and listen to their false god. This table is not for those who wish to follow their own strength or who choose their own paths. The paths of the righteous lead you this holy fellowship. So, come and taste of the meal Christ prepares for us in his new world.
[1] Magician’s Nephew, C.S. Lewis.
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