The problem with not giving thanks is that we domesticate Jesus. We treat Him like a random artwork in our home when He should be the directing influence on how all our gifts are used. The result of ingratitude leads to trust in our gifts, whether our ability to communicate, to get good grades, to make lots of money; whatever gifts we have, when we don’t give thanks, we make Jesus a household idol.
When we trust in our own gifts, why trust in the Second Person of the Godhead? Therefore, the Apostle Paul says that Jesus is the answer; not like a mantra, but as a Person who speaks into our lives and reminds us who we are and who we are called to be. The way to give thanks is to remind yourself that we are fully dependent creatures.
Luther spoke of this when he acknowledged that his dependence stemmed from the freedom of God to not depend on us. In short, to give thanks is to accept our frailty and the freedom of God to supply all we need according to his riches and glory in Christ Jesus. We domesticate Jesus if we don’t place Jesus above all our domesticity. He is the giver of everything that is good.
The post Domesticating Jesus appeared first on Resurrectio et Vita.