The AP and other sources are declaring Biden our new president-elect. I keep wanting to move on to the strategies for the post-election season, but counting the votes of the 100-125 age group is tedious work and I still want to see this thing come to a peaceful close, because if there is one thing we have learned thus far is that the only good and true word is whatever is said outside of the headquarters of big media.
I also try to relieve my inner tension by writing some satire once in a while. The thing about satire these days is that it looks too much like the real thing which gives people convulsive reactions. But that is really the heart of the issue in our day. When we are having a hard time discerning between Inigo Montoya and a real journalist it’s because reality and fantasy are too close to one another. We have lost our corporate sense of place. We don’t know if we are riding the The Babylon Bee train or on our way to the New York Times station. It’s all too funny and sad and satirical all at once.
But since I wrote satirically about the “Evangelicals for Biden” group yesterday, I want to give you the skinny on trajectory once again. If you get tired of it, hit the “unfollow” button quickly ’cause I am on a row and I ain’t stopping.
I first wrote about the “Evangelicals for Biden” group some weeks ago as a warning (just go back on my page to see that post). It has come to my attention that Biden received over 240,000 votes from evangelicals in Georgia. Now, if you know what’s going on when the devil went down there, it’s a real battle, people! You should know that the difference between Biden and Trump is small. Let’s say, it’s less than 240,000 votes. In some ways, if Georgia is as central to this election as Arizona and Pennsylvania, we could say that the evangelicals, Bible-believing, altar-call singing, Just-as-I am hummin’ people essentially pushed Team Biden over.
This bothers me for a number of reasons. I will tell you the first. From my perspective it is sheer ignorance. There is no way to rationalize a vote for Biden unless you are ignorant of facts or you allowed your emotional state to reason your way out of the facts. I will stop right there and get to my other point. And here it is…
If you are an evangelical and voted for Biden, there is a high degree of chance that you are slowly drinking the leftist kool-aid on some very big issues. For instance, my dear readers, the main signers of the movement are men who have a long reputation of cheering for the wrong things and accepting of the wrong trajectories. Most of these theologians/pastors have bought into the notion that abortion is a symptom that can be treated in various ways. “Conservatives,” they say, “want to end abortion through legal means, but we think we can re-adjust the system so that women will no longer seek out abortions.” The logic goes like this: if we can provide more government assistance to these young ladies, then they won’t be tempted to seek abortions. It sounds noble, doesn’t it? Except, that virtually every hero of the pro-life movement I know is involved in peacefully protesting and offering guidance to young women at every stage. The notion that conservatives only stand outside to protest and seek no other alternative to help and console women at every stage is absurd! We have been doing both for a really long time.
But the second point to make is that these same pastors and theologians are also opening the gates into a more liberarilizing view on homosexuality equalizing homosexual sin as if it were the same kinds of sins as coveting your brother’s toy gun. One liberal approach to ethics is always to make certain sins less hideous than others. And if you attend such a church know that evangelicals in such churches are going to be comfortable with movements like REVOICE and other groups that seek to legitimize homosexual desires, even if they remain celibate.
The environment that these evangelicals breathe is not leading them to embrace more inerrancy dogma, more creedal theology, more traditional categories of human sexuality, but the opposite in fact. Instead of helping victims, we end up damaging them even more by giving them a pass. Why is it that these leaders who eagerly voted for Biden in Georgia and Pennsylvania find more in common with liberal elites than the country pastor in Alabama? It’s because they have chosen “niceness” as an ideal and forgot the consequences at the door of confrontation.
The post Evangelicals for Biden Get Their President-Elect (not yet) appeared first on Resurrectio et Vita.