Grace, Mercy, and Peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.
Today marks in our calendar the end of the Easter Season. The calendar of the Church is chronological precisely because redemption is chronological: first, the Head, then the Body. Christ is first raised, so we may be raised also. But we are left with responsibilities until we are finally raised. Part of this responsibility means making earth a lot like heaven; making earth mirror as much as possible the world to come. We do this not alone, but through the power of the Ascended Lord who has authority in heaven and earth.
We are a people experiencing this redemptive chronology. We are part of this progress of history under the rule of King Jesus.
Prayer: Lord Jesus, today we celebrate your triumphal entry into heaven, the king of glory might in battle. You are the Greater Enoch and Elijah taken up into heavenly glory. Help us to hear you speaking from heaven. Help us to know what it means to be exalted with you. May you intercede for your people and for the nations, Our king and our savior. Amen.
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