If someone asked you “what word best describes the history of redemption,” what would you say? I am sure there can be various answers to this question, but one that the Bible makes abundantly clear is the word “wedding.” In fact, redemptive history culminates with a great wedding feast. This has been the plan since the beginning of the world. Adam and Eve served as an example; a model of what this wedding feast looks like. God marries a Bride for himself. Though she is impure at times, yet his unfailing love continues forever. God matures, washes, and purifies her with his presence and love. This is how redemption unfolds: the character of a perfect God pursuing an imperfect bride until she realizes that only one groom will never deceive her. The story of our worship this morning is a wedding story. Today our Groom cleanses us and washes us once more. Let us then be cleansed this day by coming into his presence and confessing our sin.
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