If poetry is low on our cultural priorities, it will likely mean that the Bible is as well. But the way forward is to start with the Bible not with poetry. Put the Bible back in play, and poetry will follow. God’s poetry comes first. Put it back in play with a vengeance. If the Bible is poetic, it needs to be heard not just read, heard not in snippets but in sweeping poetic swathes.–Peter Leithart
this seems to me to be an evangelical piece of absolute nonsense, with no relevance whatsoever to the writing, or even the reading of poetry – other than depicting the bible as some sort of poem. The bible is a work of prose and does not purport to be a book of poetry.
By what standard do you make that observation?
…to assume that the Bible contains to metrical structure is a sign you neither understand biblical literature…or that maybe you have NEVER read one biblical scholar in your life. For your own benefit, and to avoid future embarrassment when speaking of the Sacred Scriptures, please buy: http://www.amazon.com/Literary-Structure-Old-Testament-Genesis-Malachi/dp/0801021871
That Dorsey book looks awesome! I wish I had one of those.
Sometimes people are just nice and give you stuff…