Romans 12:11: Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord.
You know that on a journey you don’t have the luxury of bringing everything you want. You may not be able to take those cherished books or favorite snacks. The season of Lent reminds us that Lent is about bare minimums. What do we truly treasure in this life? Am I loving the wrong things? Where do I see myself at the end of this journey? What kind of person will I be? What kind of person am I now? What areas have I indulged that has not brought me closer to Jesus but taken me farther away? This is a season of self-examination. Don’t end this journey the same way you started. Journey to Easter emptier in worldly fashion, but richer in the treasures of Jesus. Do not lack in zeal to serve the Lord and your neighbor.
Prayer: O, Father, I am selfish in so many ways. I seek only after my well-being before that of my brother and sister. Change me to see that my pride is destroying my relationships and my communion with you. Bless me and enrich me with zeal for your service through Christ our Lord, amen.
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