For centuries, Christians have debated what happens after you die. Some traditions believe that those souls at death exist in a dormant stage until the resurrection from the dead at the end of history. But the larger biblical story indicates that when our mortal bodies die, our souls immediately enter into the presence of Jesus and the great cloud of witnesses. There, in that heavenly state, the saints of all ages praise the Lamb of God who died and rose again, and eagerly await the day when Jesus will destroy all his enemies and make all things new.
“Worthy is the Lamb who was slain
To receive power and riches and wisdom,
And strength and honor and glory and blessing!”
Our Lenten hope is that the Cross of Jesus opened paradise and the second our earthly journey is over, our souls will rest in great hope and joy in the presence of God until Jesus returns. Death is not the period for the Christian, but only a comma that leads to an eternal state of glory.
Prayer: Our Father, our days are in your hands. We treasure every part of our lives as gifts from your hands. May we redeem our days and serve you by the power of your Holy Spirit, amen.
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