When Jesus comes into Jerusalem, he comes as a Shepherd/King. His triumphal entry hymn is the hymn of David (Ps. 118:26): “Hosanna, blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.” Jesus is the new David coming to Jerusalem to give his life for the sake of his people. He is the true Shepherd of Israel (Ps. 80:1).
“The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want.”
When the psalmist says, “You shall not want,” it’s not a promise that we shall never lack materially, rather it’s a promise that Israel’s shepherd will give his entire body for the sake of his people. His sacrifice will not be incomplete, rather, Jesus gives himself entirely at the cross, which means that our salvation lacks nothing. We are not as the pagans wanting or in need to atone for ourselves through worthless sacrifices; no. We are true Israel covered and protected by the total Christ. We shall not want.
Prayer: Blessed Christ who gave himself for us on a tree and who atoned for our sins, we praise your name and beseech you in times of trial. Teach us your ways and conquer our hearts daily that we may truly know that we lack nothing. We pray this in the Name of our great Shepherd, Jesus Christ, amen.
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