Wheaton Conference Report by William B. Evans
That being said, I suspect that no sentient being could come away from the conference without an appreciation for Wright’s rhetorical gifts and power. I had heard Wright speak in other contexts but had never heard him preach until Friday morning, when he preached to the students in the college chapel service. His sermon, in which there was nary a pause or break, consisted of a thirty-five minute guided tour of the book of Ephesians with application. I came away from that service with a sense of just how relentlessly verbal Wright can be, and of how he has been able to churn out some many books of such consistent quality. I also came away sensing that the Wheaton invitation was not a misstep and that Wright is a man of authentic evangelical (small “e”) piety even if, in my judgment, he is not “right” on everything–in short, he really does love the Lord and genuinely strives to be biblical.
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