500 Words: The Final Case for Donald J. Trump
There are two candidates who offer us different strategies to fight the dragons.
We live in a world that no longer cares about meaning and purpose. We live in a country where dragons run wild, destroying cities and villages and oppressing the people. The political powers offer to rebuild the ruined walls, but the dragons keep returning to do what they do best.
Wicked serpents have an appetite for breaking the order of the city, and our rulers use our apathy to flee their responsibilities of confronting dragons. We have become accustomed to cycles of destruction because we have not built cycles of fortitude against our enemies. We fight among ourselves. We have established strategies that seem noble but fail to read the times. The sons of Issachar find it all too strange. Many can’t normalize expectations because they don’t know that we fight dragons everywhere. They want to kill the dragon completely but forget that there are too many, and we must kill them one at a time.
We have built sophisticated forms of thinking to avoid the obvious. We have given our votes over to the elites so they can form our ballots after their images. Chesterton was right when he noted that without education, we are in a horrible and deadly danger of taking educated people seriously. Perhaps we have given the educated class too much credit. We have trusted evangelical leaders who told us that the enemy is not that bad or that we can find another candidate to stand for us when the dragons visit our town.
But this is all wrong-headed.
We have two candidates.
Only two showed up for the fight.
The others meandered in meaninglessness. And only two said they would offer a strategy.
One candidate said that she would prepare the city by decorating its walls with rainbow colors. She would dress the men to face the dragon. Instead of a sword, she asked them to reveal their pronouns. Instead of policies, she told this army to be themselves, retreat, and treat the dragon with the utmost respect because the serpents come with goodwill towards men. The candidate willing to fight for us cackles her way through speeches. She does not refer to the Divine or surround herself with the divine people. She offers no room for the ancient religion to speak into her cabinet. Instead, this candidate says that appeasement is the way forward. Negotiating with dragons is how to fight.
But there is another candidate.
He is rugged and, at times, crass. He has the scars to prove his wars. He keeps getting up. His history shows 48 months of experience. He does not operate in all the ways the people would like to see, but he has a record of moving the fight to the dragon instead of drawing the dragon to our cities. The people surrounding him are good. And they have a proven record against the enemy, so much so that the enemy foams angrily.
He knows that all the city's bulletin boards control the message, but he wants to confront the donors behind those boards. He wants to confront the gold and silver that sustain the false information. This candidate will give the ancient people known as the Way time to formulate new strategies and articulate a new vision for destroying the serpents. He will give their sanctuaries freedom to do what the Lord of the sanctuary requires.
Herein are your two candidates.
Now, cast your vote.