You allow the bride of Christ to be stripped of her engagement garment acknowledging Christ is the head of all creation, and then make the biblical-historical argument for ministers vestments that represent our Lord is the final Word? There is power in symbols and our culture has given us too many cowardly ministers who will not confront the chaos of culture. Worship matters. Worship creates the culture. Creation-Confesson-Communion. Same pattern, outside of sacrificial history, from Garden to Garden.
Worship is not about a woman’s femininity. Feminism is not the issue either. The question is who are we acknowledging as our head when we arrive to the great wedding rehearsal each Sunday? This is the 1st commandment in both gardens. Christ is the Head. Full stop and pour all the theology and scripture into those first words before rushing to talk about a woman’s role in creation. The fall was not about Eve’s lack of femininity/rebellion to Adam. It was Adam acknowledging another head as god.
The Bible teaches that clothing and calling go together and gives numerous examples of clothing depicting the office, calling, or function of a person. This is a universal principle seen even today in the wearing of distinctive uniform in for example healthcare, sports, police, air travel, public office etc. Special garments were commanded by the Lord to be worn by Aaron and his sons in the Old Covenant reminding the people of the purpose, duty, and responsibility as His ministers. In many respects the office of priest is the same as that of pastor or minister in the New Covenant church - he teaches God’s Word, represents the people before God in corporate worship, administers His ordinances, organises worship, blesses the people etc. According to one historian, Jesus wore a prayer mantle/shawl/cloak with tassels called a tallit or tallis. Of particular note is the well known fact that Jesus’ main outfit, was a special tunic which was seamless and woven in one piece. The Apostle Paul writing to Timothy from Rome asks him to bring the apostle’s “cloak”. For millennia, it has been common practice for ministers to wear distinctive clothing both in worship and outside of worship as a mark of God’s calling to public ministry. Sadly, conservative reformed churches in recent years perhaps in reaction to liberal mainline churches and women in office, have set aside the reformed and biblical practice of wearing distinctive minister attire, but this is throwing the baby out with the bathwater.
The ANGLICAN Collar, which I wear, is a white band around the entire neck. The symbolism is from the SLAVE Collar - I am a SLAVE of Christ!!! +++ Have none of those Roman/Latin collars with their little white specks in the middle. Don't know What that symbolizes??? All Anglicans should wear an ANGLICAN Collar!!!
You allow the bride of Christ to be stripped of her engagement garment acknowledging Christ is the head of all creation, and then make the biblical-historical argument for ministers vestments that represent our Lord is the final Word? There is power in symbols and our culture has given us too many cowardly ministers who will not confront the chaos of culture. Worship matters. Worship creates the culture. Creation-Confesson-Communion. Same pattern, outside of sacrificial history, from Garden to Garden.
Steve, the garment given to the woman is her femininity, not a piece of cloth.
Worship is not about a woman’s femininity. Feminism is not the issue either. The question is who are we acknowledging as our head when we arrive to the great wedding rehearsal each Sunday? This is the 1st commandment in both gardens. Christ is the Head. Full stop and pour all the theology and scripture into those first words before rushing to talk about a woman’s role in creation. The fall was not about Eve’s lack of femininity/rebellion to Adam. It was Adam acknowledging another head as god.
The Bible teaches that clothing and calling go together and gives numerous examples of clothing depicting the office, calling, or function of a person. This is a universal principle seen even today in the wearing of distinctive uniform in for example healthcare, sports, police, air travel, public office etc. Special garments were commanded by the Lord to be worn by Aaron and his sons in the Old Covenant reminding the people of the purpose, duty, and responsibility as His ministers. In many respects the office of priest is the same as that of pastor or minister in the New Covenant church - he teaches God’s Word, represents the people before God in corporate worship, administers His ordinances, organises worship, blesses the people etc. According to one historian, Jesus wore a prayer mantle/shawl/cloak with tassels called a tallit or tallis. Of particular note is the well known fact that Jesus’ main outfit, was a special tunic which was seamless and woven in one piece. The Apostle Paul writing to Timothy from Rome asks him to bring the apostle’s “cloak”. For millennia, it has been common practice for ministers to wear distinctive clothing both in worship and outside of worship as a mark of God’s calling to public ministry. Sadly, conservative reformed churches in recent years perhaps in reaction to liberal mainline churches and women in office, have set aside the reformed and biblical practice of wearing distinctive minister attire, but this is throwing the baby out with the bathwater.
The ANGLICAN Collar, which I wear, is a white band around the entire neck. The symbolism is from the SLAVE Collar - I am a SLAVE of Christ!!! +++ Have none of those Roman/Latin collars with their little white specks in the middle. Don't know What that symbolizes??? All Anglicans should wear an ANGLICAN Collar!!!
Good work, brother. I look forward to seeing you at FLF. We should try to grab a meal while we're there.
Excellent article. As a retired individual on a modest pension I have to say that I wish your articles were not behind a paywall
Dave, send me your email, and I will give you a paid subscription. Thanks for your encouragement.