We must be honest about the evangelical landscape. We can’t deny the nature of things. Certain trajectories were written in stones, and some of us saw it coming. For instance, if you saw a woman climbing into a pulpit on Sunday morning followed by artsy-fartsy bands playing some silly versifications written by a 22-year high school drop-out, and–hypothetically speaking–this woman was to talk at length about the Songs of Solomon, and–hypothetically-speaking–she were to give a benediction at the end in the tradition of Aaron of old, what would ye say? If it quacks like a duck, if it walks like a duck, is she Aimee Byrd?
Now, I have no animosity towards this woman, but a host of people warned us about those trajectories long ago, and all they received were ugly faces with “how-dare-you” signed letters?! This is where the rubber meets the egalitarian: this is expected in the evangelical scene. We don’t tremble anymore at the ways of prophets. We treat the Apostle Paul like some modernized hipster eager to overthrow his history in favor of new pastures of masculinity and femininity.
The Apostle Paul forbids women to preach (I Tim. 2:12). This has nothing to do with their lack of giftedness. She was not to usurp (authenteo) the authority of a man. An inherent authority was placed upon man because of the order of creation (I Cor. 11). A hierarchy was imposed on humanity. On the other hand, there are all sorts of men who should stay away from, step down, or run from the pulpit. This is not a competition of the sexes; it’s a calling of one qualified and called sex to attend to the needs of shepherding and preaching.
There is a fine market for this kind of thing out there. And everyone who once stood tall on the pulpit of Machen’s religion saw it. But some of these folks have stepped down from such pulpits to do nobler things. Russell Moore knows quite well how to tap into that world. By the way, congratulations to Dr. Moore on becoming editor-in-chief of Christianity Today. CT has become a shining light for leftist politics and Biden supporters; you are the Sojourners of Christian economics, the Jemar Tisby of race relations, the Jen Psaki of round-about explanations, the decaf of theological discourse. Again, congratulations!
And speaking of Psaki, let me circle back to something about that ol’ Dutch Theologian. Abraham Kuyper once wrote about the shibboleth of Anabaptist theology. They escape from cultural responsibilities because it’s just easier than fighting the good fight. These evangelical leaders will not cheer overthrowing Roe v. Wade for the same reason they will not cheer for the pastor who was imprisoned in Canada for standing up against tyranny– however they pronounce that in Canada. They will chew us for being outspoken against the government industrial complex, and all the while, they will claim to be heirs of the Genevan magisterium. They will say they are in coalition with the government authorities cause that’s how things are to be. Behold, Romans 13!
The vast majority of these folks have not repented. I know that because their tattoos still say, “Regert.” That’s not how you spell that word. They don’t think I know a butt load of crap about the gospel. But I dooo. Okay? There is a subtlety to human ingenuity, but I read subtleties for a living. Okay?
When my four-year-old asks me, “Father, what is a Calvinist?” He knows exactly what I am going to say. I say, “Son, a Calvinist is someone who despises sophisticated footnotes and who sees the trajectory of total depravity playing out in 21st century American evangelicalism.” But sometimes, he pushes me further, “Father, tell me more.” And I generally reply, “Son, Calvinism is the thing you get when you drink the Kuyper kool-aid.” And being satisfied, he went away with a glad heart.
But the general consensus is that those who stray from strict mandates will follow the way of the crowds. They will take over the mantle of neo-orthodoxy. And because we remember our history, we should pray for their demotion from the evangelical galas. We should pray that they return to the simplicity of worship in their local OPC churches and follow the way of straight-glory.
The post Aimee Byrd and the New Neo-Orthodoxy appeared first on Resurrectio et Vita.