Athanasius once said that the resurrection leaves traces everywhere. In the laughter of an infant, the crashing of the waves, to the Easter sunrise: everything points to the resurrection of the Son of God. The world is marked with the resurrection. It is the very basis of everything we say.
When we say that every square inch of creation belongs to our Lord or when we say that the head of the serpent was crushed by the greater David, or when we say that the kingdoms of this world shall be the kingdoms of our Lord, or when we say that the light of the Gospel is prevailing, or when we say, ‘Come, let us worship and bow down’, or when we taste and see the goodness of the Lord, or when we sing a new song to the Lord, or when we pass the peace; in short, everything we say is another way of saying, ‘Christ is risen! He is risen indeed!’ The world is filled with this message today because the resurrection is the announcement that all we say is directly linked to an empty tomb that Easter morn. He is Risen Indeed! Halleluiah!
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