Pascal once said that we all seek happiness. C.S. Lewis wrote that we are all too easily satisfied. Which is it? Are we happiness seekers or easy pleasers? Both are true. If we seek Christ as the center we will be truly happy. But if we find pleasure in mud pies rather than a holiday at the sea, we are gullible for cheap pleasures.
The biblical concept of festivity is where we find true joy. Festivities were appointed by God to satiate our need for happiness and pleasure. There we find God’s people experiencing true joy not because they have great riches, but because Jesus is their greatest treasure. The Christian feast is the place where we practice for that eternal feast at the Last Day and where the Supper of Lamb is ever before us. We feast because we are not content with mud pies or crackers and juice. We feast as those who take Christ’s invitation with serious joy. We feast because Christ is all sufficient. Keep the feast! Keep the Feast!
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