Dear college student,
There was another point I wanted to address. It seems you are also enamored with some form of socialism. You think the free market favors the rich and that rich people are destroying America. You even jokingly said you were planning to vote for Bernie Sanders. I know you are just trying to get a reaction. But don’t forget that I grew up with the fruits of socialism. Give me a call and I can share a few of my observations.
You seem to demur any concept of private property and you argue for strong government ownership of all sorts of things. But I know you have a good heart. I want to applaud your desires, but I also want to encourage you to not be easily moved towards an ideal without cautiously seeking wisdom from those around you.
Don’t forget the sacrifices your parents made to get you to college and how hard your dad worked just so you could go to that vacation you still talk about to this day. That’s called hard work. The Bible praises strong, responsible males who cherish work and who do not seek shortcuts. Be like that.
If you are eager to see what socialism looks like, let me encourage you to pick a socialist country of choice. Don’t go to Venezuela, I beg you. They are too far gone. A few decades ago they were a shining light of prosperity, but since socialism has taken over…well, let’s just say dumpster diving has an entirely new meaning over there. Be careful what you wish for.
My final warning is to say that economic models are never separated from morality. When you subscribe to a system, almost always you begin to slowly, but surely succumb or at least become comfortable with models of morality that are closely associated with advocates of that system.
I understand you are exploring and learning. But be aware that ideas have consequences and consequences come from ideas whether good or ill.
Pastor Brito
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