Missions in Moscow, Typology in Brazil, and TPUSA Updates
'Tis the Season of Airport Lounges and Expensive Beer
I am headed to Moscow, ID, today to meet pastors in two of our presbyteries and accomplish what only Moscow affords: a lot of productivity in a few square miles.
The Missions Conference begins on Friday, and if you are in town, I’d love to meet you. The agenda is below.
Later in September, Dr. Leithart and I will be headed to Brazil to speak at a conference in Porto Alegre. Here is Peter talking about the conference:
Let me also add the outstanding writings of Pastor Bill Smith. Bill has been a consistent writer at Kuyperian Commentary and has become indispensable in our mission. Here is his latest on the calling of pastors.
Here are a few photos from the TPUSA Pastor’s Summit in Gainesville, GA:

From Moscow Lecture:
Why does Paul tell the Philippian Christians that our citizenship is in heaven? Philippi was a colony of Rome. The Roman citizens living in Philippi were to turn this Greek city into a replica of the headquarters; Philippi was to become an extension of Rome culturally and sociologically. So, Paul says that Christians in Philippi were to live Christianly amid a paganized culture. Just as the people in Philippi were citizens of the empire of Rome, so the Christians in Philippi were citizens of the empire of heaven. Therefore, the Christians in Philippi are to build colonies of heaven on earth. To quote James B. Jordan, “we are to heavenify earth.”
James B. Jordan on Symbolism:
In the Western world for several centuries, men have assumed that the proper way to express truth is by means of abstract, philosophical language. Wherever we find imagery, parable, symbolism, or typology, we ought to translate such language into proper abstractions. This, however, is not how God chose to reveal Himself to us. To be sure, some parts of the Bible are written in abstract language, especially the epistles of St. Paul. Most of the Bible, however, is written in stories, histories, poems, symbols, parables, and the like. As far as God is concerned, this way of revealing truth is equally as important as abstract philosophizing.
Catechized by Calvary:
Lenten Blessings,
Uriesou Brito