I started blogging back in 2004 when “blogging” was barely a known word. I’ve had my years on Facebook & Twitter. I’ve been guilty of overzealous rhetoric, ad hominem attacks, and a fair share of over-intellectualization that edified my ego, but only added the stink to the rotting corpse of pride. I’d like to think I’ve grown over the years. I am no longer the eager theological student in college hoping to convert the world of my idiosyncracies. The funny thing is the people I tried to proselytize changed me instead. As Matt Damon would say, “How you like them apples?” This leads me to my point: Social media can be a great way to destroy your soul. I love the benefits of it, but I’ve seen far too much damage done in it. We need a good dose of soul-care before we condemn the souls of others (metaphorically speaking). We need good Christian piety to articulate healthy ideas about life and its implications. Pass on the faith. Share your faith. Articulate your faith. But don’t embarrass the faith by damaging Christ and his Church. Perform some social media introspection. Seek the wisdom of a pastor or a trusted friend to give you a perspective on your social media patterns. Over the years I have seen friendships ruined, accounts deleted, reputations damaged, and hypocrisy increase. This is a tool like any other. Use it wisely and it will provide some life and joy. Use it poorly and it will provide a few likes from people who use it as poorly as you do. Don’t sit in the seat of the scoffer on social media. Let social media draw the scoffers to the living Christ.
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