Does the Bible support unordained men serving the Eucharist? Is there a confessional position on this matter? And why is this such a prevalent question in our day?
This is such valuable teaching in our society today where authority is mocked and individualism and progressivism are the preeminent gods of the age. As an Anglican, I agree with everything you have set forth here: the incredibly important need for orderly worship and Sacraments celebrated by men called by God and the Church. I also appreciate your emphasis on the laymen of the church acting as the pastors and overseers of their own homes to ensure that their families are learning the Word of God and receiving a godly example for walking with God.
I think there is a common misconception among poorly formed Christians today that the ecclesiological order of the church is simply for exercising power over people and benefiting from the money and obedience of the congregation. Sadly, this has been the reality for many who have experienced spiritual abuse from spiritual leaders that they trusted and admired. However, when we examine the Scriptures, we see that God's design for the ecclesiological order of his Church is for the spiritual leadership--the ordained men of God--to represent Christ to his Church. To live in such a way that they represent Christ by communicating the love and faithfulness of Christ to the congregation.
This is a unique responsibility for ordained men who have been set apart for the sacred role of ministering within the congregation to preach the saving message of Christ in Word and Sacrament. As an Anglican, I also appreciate the role of the episcopacy for overseeing this responsibility. They represent Christ to the Church and ensure that the presbyters and deacons that they ordain fulfill the respective responsibilities that they have received.
Rich and insightful. My husband and I recognized that the sacraments were not properly being administered in our previous church home. Due to this we abstained. These reasons along with many others, reinforced our decision to leave. We are grateful and comforted to know that they are at Grace Covenant. We partake joyfully each week
This is such valuable teaching in our society today where authority is mocked and individualism and progressivism are the preeminent gods of the age. As an Anglican, I agree with everything you have set forth here: the incredibly important need for orderly worship and Sacraments celebrated by men called by God and the Church. I also appreciate your emphasis on the laymen of the church acting as the pastors and overseers of their own homes to ensure that their families are learning the Word of God and receiving a godly example for walking with God.
I think there is a common misconception among poorly formed Christians today that the ecclesiological order of the church is simply for exercising power over people and benefiting from the money and obedience of the congregation. Sadly, this has been the reality for many who have experienced spiritual abuse from spiritual leaders that they trusted and admired. However, when we examine the Scriptures, we see that God's design for the ecclesiological order of his Church is for the spiritual leadership--the ordained men of God--to represent Christ to his Church. To live in such a way that they represent Christ by communicating the love and faithfulness of Christ to the congregation.
This is a unique responsibility for ordained men who have been set apart for the sacred role of ministering within the congregation to preach the saving message of Christ in Word and Sacrament. As an Anglican, I also appreciate the role of the episcopacy for overseeing this responsibility. They represent Christ to the Church and ensure that the presbyters and deacons that they ordain fulfill the respective responsibilities that they have received.
Rich and insightful. My husband and I recognized that the sacraments were not properly being administered in our previous church home. Due to this we abstained. These reasons along with many others, reinforced our decision to leave. We are grateful and comforted to know that they are at Grace Covenant. We partake joyfully each week
Thank you for these words. . Grace be to you.