Dear friend,
The epidemic is too great not to talk about it. We, men, cannot act as if we don’t struggle. We cannot hide behind the mask of normalcy. Sex, drugs, gambling are only the symptoms of our deeper disease. We are idolaters. We love false gods because they entice us with goodies: quick pleasure and quick fixes. We take them and don’t even ask for the dealer’s name. In fact, we are too scared to ask because their names would condemn us.
Mr. Worldly Wiseman.
Mr. Legality.
“No, please don’t tell me your name,” we say.
We find refuge in the embrace of addiction because those habits demand very little of us. We binge watch shows night after night because it requires little of us. We spend all our time at work because it is more pleasurable than the noises of children. We truly choose the easy route as often as possible.
We love non-demanding gods. The God of Israel is too hard.
So, where do we go, men? Do we want to do the harder things? Do we want to produce the long-term blessings or will we settle for the quick fixes? To whom shall we go? To whom will we seek when the promises of false gods fail again and again? When our lives begin to crumble before us? Where shall we go? Where can we flee from the Spirit?
I beg you to talk. Life is too short to be lived in secret.
Yours truly,
Pastor Uriesou Brito
The post The Ease of False gods appeared first on Resurrectio et Vita.