What went through the mind of the prodigal when he came back with a repentant heart and ate at his Father’s table? What was the taste of that first piece of well-prepared meat? Then, the dancing with sweet relatives instead of houses of ill repute? The sound of beautiful music instead of the unrhythmic cacophonies of the world? What was it like to come to the Father’s table and see people smiling and harmonizing, friends chatting about the weather and the songs of the Sabbath worship they sang? The sermon they heard from the rabbi? And as the prodigal sits there wondering, what went through his mind? “Look at all I missed seeking worldly pleasures? Look at the communion I had, which I traded for carob pods that the swine ate? Look at the title of ‘son’ that I lost because I chose to be a son of Belial instead?
Brothers and sisters, there is no life outside the Church. It has been tried and found wanting since Adam discovered the salty taste of sweat in his mouth. You will only find Jesus at this table, you will only find Jesus with the Father, you will only find Jesus when you are dancing with the right people, singing with the right brothers and sisters, enjoying food with the family of God. Come and be safe in the presence of God. Come and dine!
The post The Prodigal’s Eucharist appeared first on Resurrectio et Vita.