Quotes from Ron Paul’s: Freedom Under Siege, part 2

From Paul’s introduction to Freedom Under Siege: The U.S. Constitution After 200 Years:

America is no longer a bastion of freedom, prevailing ideology, grounded in economic ignorance and careless disregard for individual liberty, is nurtured by a multitude of self-serving, power-seeking politicians spouting platitudes of compassion for the poor who are created by their own philosophy. Reelection is paramount in the minds of most of those who represent us, while freedom and constitutional restraint of power are considered old-fashioned and unwise (pg.1). Continue reading “Quotes from Ron Paul’s: Freedom Under Siege, part 2”


I am currently preparing my schedule for next semester. I need one elective worth one credit and Professor John Frame has agreed to work with me through a study of Abraham Kuyper. This is certainly something to look forward to in my last semester at RTS.

My speaking engagement in Tallahassee has been canceled due to some health issues in my wife’s family. Nevertheless, my speaking engagement on the 12th of August in Palm Harbor has been confirmed. I will be ministering to a small PCA church. More details to come in the days ahead.

Conversation at Bookstore, part 2

This occurred right before I closed the store where I work. An elderly woman (maybe in her 60’s) was checking out.  As she approached the counter to pay for her book she noticed that there are two books on display. One by Barack Obama and the other by Hillary Clinton; so the brief conversation unveils.

Customer: I hear rumors that these two will join forces.

Me: What do you mean?

Customer: Well, Barack will run for Vice-President and Clinton for president.

Me: But… (interrupted)

Customer: That should be an interesting match.

Me: (At this point I am hesitant to say anything…you know, you don’t want to scare customers away… but I couldn’t resist)

Customer: What do you think?

Me: ( Thank God she asked) Well, I pray they not be elected.

Customer: I feel the same way. Do you have a candidate?

At this point I am thinking: She’s just testing me. 

Me: Yes. I am voting for Congressman Ron Paul for president.

Customer: Ron Paul? (She seems confused)

Me: He’s the only one that embodies Constitutional principles.

Customer: I see. I thought about that Romney guy, but…(she seems hesitant) that faith thing.

Me: You mean the Mormon issue?

Customer: Yes, I didn’t want to say it. I just don’t think I can vote for him.

Me: Well, I certainly agree. You see, I enjoy sleeping well at night. That means that I must vote my conscience and my conscience is a Christian conscience. So, I will only vote for a Christian candidate.

Transaction unfolding. 

Customer: I respect you for that.  Have a good night.

Me: Good night and come back again.

Note: Nothing too profound of an exchange, but a simple opportunity to tie in politics and faith. They do overlap…you do know that, don’t you? 

Last Days Madness

My friend Chris Ortiz wrote:

For a few years now, I’ve sought to clarify just how much Christian Reconstruction differs from the fully developed Religious Right. During this process, I read a great deal of the concerns by those outside of Conservative Christian circles regarding the apocalyptic drive of the “Left Behind” believers and their push for Armageddon. This group represents untold millions of simpletons that essentially worship the state of Israel and have marked muslims and non-Christians for tribulation and death. They have aligned themselves with Republican leaders like Tom DeLay and Rick Santorum, and their desire for war is the one of the greatest distortions of Christianity in the modern age.

This video by Max Blumenthal (NOT a Christian) of a recent CUI (Christians United for Israel) event is one of the most disturbing clips I’ve seen this year.