I endorse Chuck Baldwin for President of the United States

John Quincy Adams famously wrote: “Always vote for principle, though you may vote alone, and you may cherish the sweetest reflection that your vote is never lost.” I have tried to faithfully use that principle in political judgment. Third party candidates have a long history in United States politics, however, there has not been an …

Analysis of Republican Candidates on the Debate and Ron Paul’s Fund-Raising explosion…

Last night’s Republican debate on PBS was short and to the point.1 Fortunately, the top-four candidates decided not to show, which I predict may affect them negatively in the long-run. The debate dealt with economic issues, issues of race, health care, the death penalty and some other topics. The six candidates were given one minute …

Analysis of Republican Candidates on the Debate and Ron Paul’s Fund-Raising explosion…

Last night’s Republican debate on PBS was short and to the point. a Fortunately, the top-four candidates decided not to show, which I predict may affect them negatively in the long-run. The debate dealt with economic issues, issues of race, health care, the death penalty and some other topics. The six candidates were given one …

The John Birch Society on the meaning of the 4th of July

When they had enough of British oppression, 56 men representing the 13 colonies signed the Declaration of Independence. Their courageous act launched the greatest experiment in human liberty in all history: The United States of America. The Declaration contains the philosophical base of our nation. It says, “Men … are endowed by their Creator with …

Does Scripture Permit Us to Drink Alcoholic Beverages?

Kenneth Gentry has played a tremendous role in shaping my thinking on matters of eschatology and ethics. What follows is a summary article based on his book entitled: God Gave Wine, a book thoroughly analyzing the Biblical issues in the drinking question. It defends the practice of moderation in alcohol consumption.This article’s purpose is to …