“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God.”
To be a peacemaker is not about resolving conflicts. This is another illustration of how easily the beatitudes can be individualized. Is there an application here for us to pursue peace with others? Certainly. But primarily, Jesus is aiming at the cosmic restoration of the world to the Father. The kingdom of heaven is a kingdom of peace.
Jesus wants to reconcile man to God; bringing creation to reflect the world God envisions. And those kingdom disciples who abide by God’s law-word proclaimed by King Jesus are the ones who have been called to ensure that this reconciliation occur.
The promise is that those who live in a such a way– a way filled with shalom– are the true Israel of God; true heirs of the promise; adopted into a new humanity. They are the reconcilers. They are the imitators of Yahweh, who desire the world to be at peace with their Creator.
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