Preach the Word

A note to my fellow pastors: We know what it means to delve deeply into the text, to navigate our favorite Bible software, to examine the text grammatically, historically, wholistically, to bring a dose of applicability to the life of our people; it’s what we do. This can be an invigorating process. For some of us, the excitement and expectation begin Saturday night. We hope that our rhetoric will not hinder communication, but be used to transmit a divine message. Some will use an outline, others manuscript, others a 3×5 card, still others an extemporaneous delivery bathed in study. Whatever method and however it is delivered, one thing must be clear: we are insufficient. The paradox of preaching is that God uses finite men to communicate a message of infinite worth. So instead of earthly wisdom, bring all the Gospel foolishness you can muster (I Cor. 1) to that pulpit. Be prepared to let the world deride our message. Come intellectually honest about your intellectual need of God and his wisdom. Bring your faithful study of the Word and marry it to the faithfulness of God to make what is weak, strong and what is lowly, mighty in his sight.

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