I do not say, of course, that through the ages all “fire and brimstone” preaching was faithful to the spirit or the example of Jesus and his apostles. It certainly was not in many cases. I don’t mean to imply that there was not also in John and Jesus’ preaching the tender note of invitation, hope, and promise of eternal life. There certainly was: “Come to me all you who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest.” That too was Jesus’ preaching. But to have a steady diet of preaching utterly devoid of the fire and the winnowing fork, utterly devoid of the command to repent and obey the law of God cannot be faithful or right. To seek to improve on the message or the preaching of John the Baptist and Jesus Christ is no business of a Christian preacher. Many have sought to do just that however!
–Robert Rayburn
What’s the source?
sermons on Matthew