Surrounding the Trump/Vance ticket with a Counsel of the Wise

While mainline Protestant Republicans continue to take the stage with their Sikh chants and porn actresses, the Protestants on the ground should stand their ground by not giving an inch of Calvinistic territory to these ethical thugs.

I have been encouraged by days 2-3 of the RNC, though whatever paints the stage on day one is typically the outward persona, and everything else is throwing bones to the base.

The Trump/Vance ticket seems appealing to moderate Republicans or the independents who have developed a romance with the former president after his heroic posture on Saturday. I understand that this is a calculated move. But that ticket, though the strongest in my lifetime, must be reminded that it is doomed without the Protestant/evangelical voices that will elect it.

I am sympathetic to the abolitionist apologists but not toward political movements that keep us outside the room when conversations about abortion happen. I want to see a national abortion ban, but I don’t want to be opining about it on X; I want people who are arguing the case from within. I don’t want four more years of watching demonic victory laps.

I see Trump and Vance surrounded by decent people (some whom I’ve met personally in D.C.) who have genuine conservative and Christian policies to pursue. These conversations around the president’s one remaining ear are worth pursuing. And this can only happen if we win; then, we can populate cabinets with the wise counsel of people who will move the agenda toward conservative American values.

There is nobility in condemning the RNC to the inferno where they belong. But nobility vanishes if we only talk about it on the back porch. We need to shape the GOP’s ethos and pray that God will set aside the right people to confront the mainline status from within.

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