The Joy of Worship

In the joy of worship, we learn the gift of endurance. We learn to live as a new creation in the resurrected reality of the empty tomb, which equips us to see our future reality by faith; to trust in the glorified, bodily reign of King Jesus. It is the resurrection of Messiah Jesus that gives us the lenses to interpret our world.

Then, when pundits utter prophecies of doom, when turbulent times come, when relationships are crumbling, when Satan as a roaring lion is knocking at your door, when the temptations to join other parties seem overwhelming, when the love of your friends and neighbors grow cold, when waiting and persevering seem like a fruitless job, that is when you need to hear the words of Jesus, “Endure to the end.” He has promised never to leave nor forsake you. He has promised that the tribulations of life are worth enduring in faith rather than without it. He conquered the grave for our salvation and now all things are made new!

Christ is Risen! He is Risen Indeed! Halleluiah!

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