The unbeliever attempts to live in a world governed by none; a world where he is not held accountable or where his lifestyle does not need to submit to any standard. His oaths are breakable for he has no one higher by which to make an oath. He vows unto himself and expects no retribution. But all things come under the authority of the Word made flesh. The unbeliever’s constant inability to do what is pleasing to God stems from his selfish desire to serve himself and hence he worships the creature rather than the Creator who is blessed forever.The life of unbelief is a life of self-deception. They bring wrath upon themselves when they see themselves as unaccountable. They blaspheme God’s Name with unspoken words and transgress His laws with spoken acts. In this manner the unbeliever condemns himself knowingly for they suppress the revelation that gives life. Creation itself bears witness of God’s demands and His law clearly revealed brings guilt upon mankind.
What is the source of this quote?
Kevin, it was my own post. Of course, the paragraph has a shade of Bahsen, Frame (my professor), and Van Til.