There is resurrection coming! It has been almost a year since Trinity Talk produced a new interview. My schedule has picked up quite a bit at church and Trinity Talk became secondary in my priority list. But with the new format, I will be able to produce more interviews with world class scholars on a host of issues. My time is precious and in order for me to dedicate time outside of my regular work schedule it will have to be financially worth my time. Here is the potential downside for some: each interview will cost $0.49. Yes, half a dollar to download a well-edited interview with world class scholars and authors.
What is coming? On my list I have interviews on Christian Counseling with Dr. Chuck DeGroat, Eschatology with Dr. Joel McDurmon, and Theology of Imitation with Dr. Jason Hood. It also appears that I have just secured an interview with Andy Crouch on his new book. Stay tuned!
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