If people worship God according to his Word—i.e., have a consciousness of following his Word in their worship—then their culture will reflect that. For if we honor the Lord in his worship—being careful to follow his Word then we would expect the same people to take heed to his Word elsewhere. But if we ignore his Word in his worship, then you will ignore his Word elsewhere. If you will ignore his Word in that one activity that is directly related to his glory, you will not have any conscience about following his Word particularly in any other area of life. So you see, how you worship determines the very nature of the culture that a people builds (family culture and broader culture). A departure from the true God begins when we fail to worship Him properly. This will be seen in a casual, flippant, or heartless worship. Then it will be seen in the abandonment of God’s worship—forsaking the Lord’s Day (or Sabbath) altogether.
{Randy Booth; Forthcoming book on Church and Family)
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