And the four living creatures, each of them with six wings, are full of eyes all around and within, and day and night they never cease to say,
“Holy, holy, holy, is the Lord God Almighty,
who was and is and is to come!”
What happens in heaven does not stay in heaven! Our time this morning is a preview of heavenly worship. It doesn’t just elevate our imagination but it crystalizes our imitation the King of heaven!
This heavenly reality is not far; platonic, hidden in some other dimension. Even though we cannot see it or touch it, heaven is as real and vital to us in our worship as oxygen is to our respiration. Worship is a kind of spiritual breathing of heavenly air. We breathe air into our lungs that we cannot see — and we live. In the same way, as we worship, we breathe heaven into our souls — and we live, filling our hearts with the unseen, life-giving atmosphere of heaven.[1]
If we wish to breathe a little bit of heaven’s air this morning with the angels and archangels, then we are called to imitate the worship of heaven. So sing! Sing with the vigor of the great angelic chorus; praise with might for the angels in heaven praise unceasingly and unendingly. Come let us worship!
[1] Paul Hanh
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