Abortion and Roe v. Wade

Schaeffer and Koop in Whatever Happened to the Human Race? said: 

 Let it never be said by historians in the latter days of this century that—after the Supreme Court decided on abortion in 1973 and the practice of infanticide began—there was no outcry from the medical profession….Let it never be said that the extermination program for various categories of our citizens could never have come about if the physicians of this country had stood for the moral integrity that recognizes the worth of every human life….All Christians know why people are different and have value as unique individuals—sick or well, young or old.  People are unique because they are made in the image of God.  What has happened to the human race?  Why are we afraid of being people, of being human?  Of enjoying the greatest blessings that life can bring—being alive and being people of love, tenderness, gentleness, care, and concern? It is vital that we put first, not economics or efficiency charts and plans, but being  people—real flesh-and-blood people.  We are not to be materialistic robots who think and act like machines and will even kill to maintain their lifestyles.

{Quoted in Ron Paul, Abortion and Liberty, pg. 36}

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