Anthony Flew the Theist

About a month ago a friend of mine told me about Anthony Flew’s abandonment of atheism. I was pleasantly surprised. I first heard of Anthony Flew several years ago when he debated Professor Gary Habermas on the topic of the resurrection of Christ. That was a particularly peculiar debate since it seemed Dr. Flew was unaware of what was taking place. After two hours of debate, where Gary Habermas presented the resurrection of Christ from both a historical and textual perspective, Professor Flew seemed struck by the presentation as the cameras zoomed in to find a face perturbed by the facts. I recall saying to my friend after the debate that this man seems to be in doubt and perhaps open to Christianity. At that time I knew little about Professor Flew. I did not know that he was one of the most reputable atheist scholars alive; I did not know that every introductory philosophy book dedicated large portions to the ideas of Anthony Flew and I did not know how well-known he was in England’s universities.
Recently Dr. Anthony Flew made public the end of his atheistic journey. Unfortunately, he does not embrace the triune God of history and the Bible. Rather, he is comfortable with the god of Thomas Jefferson, who does not interact with creation. Of course, my prayer is that he would realize that the God he must embrace is the God that not only created this universe but controls it second by second.
A few hours ago Professor David Snoke (University of Pittsburg) e-mailed me his brief analysis of Flew’s new perspective on nature’s designer. He said:
This is a really big story, in my opinion. Anthony Flew is (was) a very well-known atheist who has written numerous books arguing against the existence of God. I have read some of his stuff and he has always struck me as carefully reasoning, not rabid and hate-filled. He now says that the evidence of intelligent design has convinced him there must be a God. He is not claiming to be a Christian, but we can pray for him. C.S. Lewis started out the same way, with just acceptance that there must be some kind of God.
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2 Replies to “Anthony Flew the Theist”

  1. I am glad that Flew is coming towards the light. Reflecting on this change and the acolades it is receiving in theological circles has made me ask these question to which I pose to you all:

    Is mere theistic apologetics truly helpful, devoid of the triune theism specific to Orthodox Christianity? In terms of what is happening to Flew, my question is this: Is it really a victory that Flew has “converted” to theism through a fellow unregenerate theist (the Catholic apologist who apparently pointed Flew to scientific evidence compelling towards intelligent design)? We don’t celebrate when others join the Catholic church or Muslim Mosque, do we?

    Can I as a Christian really get excited about the supposed power of God in Flew’s life, if all he has is more knowledge that will condemn him to hell?

    I guess my real question, as a fledgling apologist, is whether I should count it a success or not if Flew had come to me with questions, and I had pointed him to scientific evidence which persuaded him to permit the possibility of a god that somehow designed life when the very tools of logic by which Flew came to make this admission are the real “god” in his life, as is evident by his quote: “My whole life has been guided by the principle of Plato’s Socrates: Follow the evidence, wherever it leads.” (from

    If Flew thinks induction (the scientific method) can ultimately prove or disprove God, then this primary presupposition will likely be the very axiom that destroys his chance for faith in the True God. For unless one starts with God as the foundation for all knoweldge (including God as the only foundation that supports the principle of induction), one is caught in the trap of absolute certainty and total uncertainty. One would have to admit that he is totally certain that induction can prove God. No finite being is capable of admitting this. Therefore, one must admit that he is totally certain that he is uncertain of whether the principle of induction can prove God. That inescapable admission is a self-contradiction.

    I pray that Flew will be awakened, by Grace, to the gospel of the Triune God of the universe, who alone is the foundation for all knowledge.

  2. Hi there. Thanks for your comments. First, I will be writing a post soon on apologetic methodology and Anthony Flew’s conversion to theism. Secondly, you assume your apologetic methodology is the only way of doing things. Thirdly, there were many Christians involved in the process of bringing Anthony Flew to theism. Fourthly, I believe firmly that it is better to come to the triune catholic faith than the fatal error of Islam. Fifthly, you deny the example of C.S. Lewis who came to faith by first believing in a god and eventually coming to the true God. Sixthly, your approach can be used against you as well. Suppose an athesit began with his presuppositions, but then due to the evidence (inductive reasoning) came to theism and eventually triune theism, would you abandon your position? My point is presuppositions are overcome by the use of reasons, feelings, behavior and so on. So, I guess my point is: Rejoice that Anthony Flew is a theist!

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