Exhortation: Sanctity of Life Sunday

This morning we have baby bottles available for you to take home. For many American Churches this is Sanctity of Life Sunday. One tangible way of fighting for the un- born is to help financially those who are gifted in counseling young mothers considering abortion, and who are capable in providing care for those young mothers who at times are clueless as to what to do.

The session of Providence hopes that you will be able to add your change to that bottle, and by doing so also teaching others the value of all life. God is the God of life. He values life. He cares about life. He is the Preserver of life. This God sees the complexity of life, and He declares it to be valuable, precious, and worthy. A life in the womb is a living soul; a person.

I was pleased to hear that Pensacola no longer has a functioning abortion clinic. This is a great victory for this city. We hope with many others that Florida and every other state in this country will recognize the biblical truth that the Creator has established an unalterable law. And this law dictates that the unborn is fearfully and wonderfully made.

The Bible says that judgment begins in the house of God, so let us not be guilty of failing to defend life at all times, and in all places. It is interesting that churches that have abandoned the orthodox gospel began not by an outright denial of the creeds, but an outright denial of when life begins. May God be gracious to His Church and may she never falter in her prophetic message.

Let us pray:

O heavenly Father, strengthen us against the mounting forces of anti-life; enlighten those who walk in this deadly way that they may see the enormity of their sin and return to the generous observance of the divine law. We pray, too, for mothers, that they may prize the great privilege of motherhood; and that they may bring up their children in the holy love and fear of God, thus saving their own immortal souls and furthering the honor and glory of their Maker. Through Christ, our Lord. Amen.

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