Exhortation: The God of the Reformation

lutherThis is Reformation Sunday! And for some of you who are new to Reformed Theology this may seem a bit strange. Some of you who may be visiting may wonder “what have I gotten myself into?” You may reason to fear this morning, or you may reason to be comforted. I pray the latter for you.

When we speak of Reformed Theology, we are speaking of a Sovereign God. And the consequence of this is that if you are looking for a Church that worships a God that just leaves you alone and who only tells you what you want to hear, then most certainly you have walked into the wrong building. But if you are looking for a God who forgives sinners, calls you to abandon your sins, who is Holy and Right, who sustains you in good and in bad times, a God wo controls everything in heaven above and earth below, who chooses you as his eternal possession and trophy of grace, and who calls you to worship Him this morning, then be at peace for this is why you are here. And this is why we are celebrating the God of the Bible; the God the Reformers believed. The God of Calvin, Luther, and Bucer is the God we worship, the God we cherish, and God who calls us to give Him praise. Let us do so!

Prayer: A Mighty Fortress is Our God! You are above all things, Lord God Almighty! There is none other but You. You dwell in unspeakable glory. Your throne is an everlasting throne. Your kingdom is an everlasting Kingdom. Your glory is an everlasting glory. And unto You we offer our thanks for you have redeemed us, cleansed us, and made us righteous in Your sight. Prepare our hearts to know you, to serve you, and to declare your praises now and forever, Amen!


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