Exhortation: When we say…

Athanasius once said that the resurrection leaves traces everywhere. When we say every square inch of creation belongs to our Lord, when we say the world is being re-created, when we say the gospel is going forth to all the nations, when we say Satan has been defeated, when we say the head of the serpent was crushed by the greater David, when we say that the kingdoms of this world shall be the kingdoms of our Lord, when we say the light of the Gospel is prevailing, when we say worship is holy warfare, when we say come and eat, when we say sing a new song to the Lord, when we say the peace of the Lord be with you, when we say the Lord bless you, when we say go into all the world, when we say He shall reign forever and ever, we are declaring to the world Christ is risen! He is risen indeed! The world is filled with this message today, because the tomb could not contain He who was raised by the Father for our Justification.

Let us pray:

O God of glory,
in the Easter dawn
you raised Jesus from death to life.
As we are united with him in death,
so unite us with him in resurrection,
that we may walk in newness of life. Amen.

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2 Replies to “Exhortation: When we say…”

  1. The opening of your sermon yesterday blazed a hole in my heart! It was one of those moments of hearing a Truth anew…and you knew that there had been a slight shift…teamed with reading Kings Cross that morning, and “the dance” of the Trinity, and being amazed by Their relationship…it was truly a Resurrection morning of revelations!!!

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